Official tweet count button was released by Twitter recently which is similar to the popular TweetMeme Retweet button. This post explains how to add the new official twitter button to blogspot blogs.
Please Note: Before Editing your Template, Save a copy of your current template by clicking ‘Download Full Template’ in ‘Edit HTML’ page of the Blogger ‘Layout’ Window and ‘Preview’ the changes before Saving.
- Go to Blogger Design page – Edit HTML – and click Expand Widget Templates.
- Search (Ctrl+F) for: <data:post.body/>and REPLACE the above line with the following code:
(Replace tipsblogger with your twitter username)<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="tipsblogger">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><data:post.body/>
- Save the template.